There I was at the dentists office, running a little late , but hoping not TOO late because then I get cancelled and charged for the visit any way. Hate the dentist chair almost as much as the visit to the hair salon, (nothing personal Miss Maryann- you know how I hate my hair .) The quest for pearly whites and preservation of the teeth left in my mouth motivate me to suffer the indignity of a strangers fingers in my mouth while they have expectations of verbal responses between gagging and twinges of pain inflicted by pointy instruments jammer betwixt the gum line every few seconds... and I subject myself to this voluntarily bi-yearly.
Success achieved at the curb , along with the smile-nod from dump truck driver...we've danced this dance before and I think I was wearing the same costume "usual"- no pants .
On the way back up the walk of shame to the house, I see a little black square on the walkway which I discover is the remote lock to the Expedition. It's totally broken off the car key after what was expected to be a fairly permanent fix 2 months ago when the same problem occurred. Very relieved to have found it waiting right there on the walk for me and ecstatic that Mr. Sticky fingers didn't find it before me and riffle through my car again. (still waiting for that police report Corona PD). Not sure what to do with it now but not having it attached to the key caused a few problems last go around when it broke off and I awaited repair. I set is securely in the house on the desk to await its fate. . . hope it doesn't run off again!
As my Expedition comes into view, I see with dismay that my white sweatshirt jacket has escaped the mess of the car interior and is now laying abandoned and alone in the gutter. Picking it up, I feel like a hot mess but at least now I have slick white teeth. Another item to add to the growing pile of whites awaiting attention at home. It's only 9 a.m. and I'm wondering if I should venture out again. I had planned a little bike ride but at this rate, I'm going to stay in for a bit and see if its safe or not.
I may take to my bed and try "horizontal running but don't sign me up for cardio" while the fan blows on me and motivational music plays. Let's just call this Iffy Thursday!
You have a great Talent. Keep it up sweetie!! :-)