One of my favorite past times and little luxuries is chilling in the pool. What a complete waste of time, but rejuvenating and peaceful. I've done some of my best napping and reading poolside. Not to mention the outrageous snack trays, pre-made margaritas and barbecue. I've even written term papers, taken online testing and copied transcripts, all while standing in the pool.
Getting into the pool takes no time, its the prepping that is key.
Our planter is lined with ficus trees. Lovely and green, providing shade and privacy, they drop their little balls of, "fruit?" in copious amounts filling the pool skimmer to capacity. If there's a breeze, you hear the plop, plop of the little balls hitting the water and sweeping them up is an endless task, but if you step on one it really can hurt. (Note to new pool owners. . . Don't plant these around the pool if you don't like a lot of mess!). So begins the task of prepping the pool for my entry. I have to drain the skimmer basket first. I will not reach in to grab it because you never know what's floating in there under the layer of bobbing ficus balls.
As I pulled the basket up, a Japanese Beetle comes crawling up my arm, grateful to escape its watery grave. Little did it know its demise was eminent as I blood curdle scream and gag at the feel of its legs crawling up my limb. It was hurled into the concrete fence and as it got up to fly away, it's hit 50 yards out of the yard with the skimmer net. Still feeling it crawling on my arm, I may need to sever it or seek psychotherapy to get over the horror. If the beetle lived, I hope it warned off its friends to stay clear of my yard.
I am Jealous.