I was sitting out on my front porch when I see a baby run by. Not real fast, but baby running. The little girl is obviously delighted that she is running free down the sidewalk, but where is she running to? She's only about 11 months old, who can she know down the street? Where's she going? What's her plan? She doesn't even have any luggage or diaper bag!
I'm about ready to head out after her when this young, VERY young man, ( really - he's a teenager), is dashing down the block after the baby, his baggy pants hindering his gait; he's holding them up with one hand and holding his ball cap on with the other. He catches up with the baby and to her delight, she is swooped up into his arms giggling and squealing. The man is panting and wild eyed. As he's walking back with the baby girl over his shoulder like a sack of beans, he discovers me standing there watching with my obvious look of concern for baby safety on Greengate.
He says to me "Wow. I didn't know a baby could move so fast! She just learned how to walk last week. I'm gonna need to watch her better, I'm new at this".
Yes dear, we were all new at baby watch at one point in our parenting lives and you do need to pay attention. Constantly. Vigilantly. Congratulations. Today you really became the dad. I think you're going to be good at it. Your baby girl obviously loves you pretty fine! Careful though. She has discovered the ageless game called Gingerbread man!
LOVE It!!!