So what do you do for the man who has every thing, wants for nothing and desires gifts that only the Trumps or Hiltons hand out as party favors? I'm rushing to figure it all out- on the fly- and hoping it's good enough and not too disappointing...because I think what he really, really, really wants is a huge T-bone steak dinner with Paul Simon, on a yacht, during a cruise to a private Greecian island where Gordon Lightfoot waits for him with cocktails and performs a personalized rendition of the "Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald".
Even better would be a ride as co-pilot in his Sea Monkeys aircraft, landing on some aircraft carrier and getting a tour of the decks and bridge. (Oh yeah, we've already done that....4 times!)
As I plan and ponder the perfect day, I do wish my Mr. Man the happiest of birthdays. He join's many of as a recognized senior citizen this year, and I've got to admit, he's rockin' those double 5's pretty darn fit and fine. It is unbelievable I met him at the tender age of 14 and have watched him mature into the man he is today. (or was he molded and coaxed along by the adoring wife?)
If its your birthday today, let it be merry, do a birthday jiggle, and I hope cake and ice cream make an appearance in your honor.
Happy Birthday Christopher.
Happy "BIRFDAY" Mr. Man