As usual, I have my most interesting adventures when I'm at the home improvement stores or at the market.
This day, I decide to shop high brow Organic Food store. I keep getting stuck behind a little Asian gal who pinches and smells all of the produce and pokes her finger into the rows of free range chickens on sale today. Not sure what good this does, but I follow her lead and poke mine too - Yup! It's dead.
I'm in a hurry today so I'm trying to avoid this gal and grab my stuff around her. This is easy because she is so little and cute, but she is every where I need to be.
At the check out, I'm bagging all my choices into my canvas bags. Complimenting myself for remembering them in the first place and bringing the one with the stores happy logo on the front! How eco friendly of me!
Heading out the electric sliding store doors, I am blocked. My little shopping partner beat me out of the checkout stand. She is blocking the doors as she squats, surrounds herself with her many bags, and takes a cell phone call. She is having a full on conversation and doesn't seem to mind her imposition on others.There's no room to maneuver a cart out around her or walk around the barricade of bags.
Looking around at the other people trying to get out and pleas of "excuse me", "pardon me", "could you move aside?", all ignored by the squatting cell phone talker. It's time to make my move for freedom and escape. I jumped over a couple of bags and scooted the last one out of my way with my foot. Wow! Did I get a verbal lashing in a dialect that only meant "how dare you , you bitch!". As she resumed a standing position still on her phone, her tirade continues but it really isn't taken seriously because she is speaking to my hip bone and every one behind her is now shoving her bags every which way so they can make their way out of the store.
There were quite a few retorts I had for the little menace chattering at me, but I could only think of one she might understand. Put my finger to my lips and said, "SHH!".
Escape successful. I put a card in the stores suggestion box for better store service.
"Dear store.... please post giant placard by exit that reads. . . DO NOT BLOCK EXIT
Only you seem to attract the "Crazy's"